MCGC Nutrition

presentation of my

Health articles


In this section you will find articles that I have written relating to various aspects of nutrition.
These are mainly informational articles intended to inform you and guide you toward a healthy lifestyle.

Coeurs sur fond rose

10 foods to love your heart

Informational article

Valentine’s day – the day of love can be more than just a celebration of romantic love; it can also be a day dedicated to loving and caring for your heart. Here are 10 ingredients I love and why they can help keep your heart in tip-top shape.

Maman soulevant sa fille dans le salon

5 Things All Mothers Should Know to Stay Healthy

Informational article

Being a mom is one of the most rewarding, yet challenging jobs out there. It is important for moms to take care of their own health. Here are 5 things no mother should put aside to stay healthy.

Coeurs sur fond d'écran rouge

Aphrodisiacs: myths or facts ?

Informational article

For centuries, humans have been trying to discover the secret to sensuality. Countless potions and lotions have been concocted in an attempt to increase arousal, but is there any scientific evidence that these “aphrodisiac foods” really work?

Marche sur une piste de course

Staying Active Without A Gym: 8 fun ways you can burn calories! 

Informational article

Here are 8 fun ways you can burn calories while staying at home. Staying active doesn’t mean having to join a gym, expensive equipment, or take up hours of your day.

Table avec des plats santés

Nutrition for a Lifetime: 5 Stages of Change Model for Healthy Living

Informational article

Many people believe that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. And while there is some debate on the subject, there is no denying that breakfast has several benefits.

Healthy breakfast

Do I really need to eat breakfast?

Informational article

Many people believe that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. And while there is some debate on the subject, there is no denying that breakfast has several benefits.

Book recipe review: Eat, Habibi, Eat

Review: Eat, Habibi, Eat


Recipe book review: Eat, Habibi, Eat. A book that will bring you nostalgia and an exciting new take on classic Egyptian meals.

Sleeping cat

5 foods for better sleep

Health tips

Do you have trouble sleeping? In this blog post, I’ll share my top five foods (or foods I am asked about) that can help improve your sleep.


TerraCycle Program

Informational article

To promote ecological practices, since 2014 we have been encouraging customers to contribute to our trash collection for the TerraCycle recycling program to reduce waste!

Healthy meal

5 easy tips to get you started eating healthier

Health tips

Looking to improve your diet but don’t know where to start?  In this blog post, we’ll be sharing five tips for healthier eating. By following these tips, you’ll be able to improve your overall health and wellbeing. 

Smoothie au yogourt grec avec fraise

Weight Loss: more than just about the weight!

Informational article

Weight loss should be more than a single-minded objective of stepping on a scale to see numbers drop. It should be about making a lasting positive and long-term change in your health.

Woman eating a lunch

6 simple advice to avoid overeating while working from home!

Health tips

Do you ever find yourself struggling to stay away from the fridge while working at home? Here are 6 tips for avoiding overeating while you’re working from home. 

Which grains should you avoid on a gluten-free diet?

Health tips

Which foods are gluten-free foods when unprocessed? It is advisable to consume unprocessed foods more often. Basically, some unprocessed foods do not contain gluten.

Photo Famille MCGC

Female entrepreneur: a challenge worth pursuing

International Women’s Day

Being an entrepreneur can sometimes feel like a football game. Holding a prized item in hand, you have no choice but to go up against numerous adversaries.

What COVID-19 teaches us about Humanity and being humble

Informational article

We all feel the stress of the COVID-19 pandemic, not only from the isolation but also for health concerns. In this article you’ll find tips on how to maintain good habits during this crisis.

Vitamin supplementation: recommended or not?

Informational article

Ever wondered if the use of vitamin supplement was good for you? In this article you will learn everything you need to know.


How fake experts online are influencing your health

Informational article

In everyday life, it is important to have a healthy and balanced diet. In this guide you will find the ideal amounts to consume per day for each of the food groups as well as tips for eating healthier.


Walnuts: their health benefits

Informational article

Walnuts is an excellent source of omega-3, but it also has several nutrients that work together to allow a multitude of biomechanisms that offer an impressive range of health protection.

Bleuets et framboises

5 tips for healthy eating habits

Health tips

Do you want some tips on how to follow healthy eating habits successfully? Are you worried that this is too painful?

Cuisiner avec ses enfants

Healthy lunches for your little ones!

Informational article

Need ideas of what to put in your kids’ lunch box that will please their little taste buds? Here are 5 winning ideas tested by two hard-to-please critics: my own kids!

Barres de chocolat au lait

Does chocolate truly have health benefits?

Informational article

It’s Valentine’s Day and many of us will see a crescendo-like increase of our spending on boxes of chocolates.  But, is it really that healthy?

Get an initial phone call to discuss your nutrition expectations and needs. You can also ask me your questions and learn more about me and my services. No purchase is necessary.

My services

Fraise sur fond bleu

Nutrition consultation

Individual or family

During the consultations we will discuss together your nutrition goals so that you can achieve your desired results. You will also receive a personalized food plan and detailed advices to guide you throughout your journey.

Smoothie aux fraises

Nutritional program

Individual or group

The programs allow you to get off to a good start on your path to a healthy lifestyle. They provide you with a structure that will guide you towards achieving your goals.

Orange sur fond d'écran jaune

Follow-up 9 sessions

Individual consultations

The 9-session follow-up is intended to provide you with long-term structure and guide you towards reaching your nutritional goals. This type of package is therefore suitable for people who wish to have support over a longer period and thus receive strategies, tips and advice during their journey. 

Let's rediscover the joy of eating together.

Let’s start your journey towards a healthy lifestyle, contact me now for a first consultation!

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